Saturday, December 15, 2012

Eyes and Love

I found my heart near your heart that day,
I looked into your eyes with my eyes,
I travelled in beautiful valleys of love,
As a road through your eyes was there ,
When minds fail to feel Love,
Eyes take us in deep Love.....


  1. Dear,

    Never knew me for who I am,
    Always harming me without the slightest clue,
    Never have you once thought of me,
    Never cared for what truly matters to me,
    Never looking to what is within,
    Just the monster on the outside.
    I kept you way from me,
    As I wanted to not let you love me,
    I wanted to not let you care for me,
    As I consider myself not to deserve you,
    That is why I left you for no reason,
    But you never knew why I left you.

  2. Oh i see....but reason should b there and by the way who is there
